Vertical Wall vs. Tapered Wall Ti Base Design
The Bond Retention Test
We tested the bonding strength of over 30 ti bases.
All of the ti base chimneys were uniformly sandblasted with 50 microns of alumina oxide.
The underside of all the zirconia was sandblasted and cemented with 45 microns of Ivoclar Multilink® cement.
The testing machine measures in newtons how much force is required to debond the zirconia from the ti base.
The Results
A ti base with a straight wall chimney has a 68% stronger bond retention than a ti base with a 5° tapered wall chimney that is 50% taller.
The tapered wall design, regardless of the height of the chimney, increases the chances of debonding significantly.
Watch this video which illustrates the difference and why you should be using DESS Ti Bases.
You can also Read More about the ANGLEBase®.