Does DESS offer gold or anodized components?

Yes, we do offer anodized components, ANGLEBase® and ELLIPTIBase® in a gold hue. Any of our titanium abutments can be anodized.

If you wish to anodize your own components in office, please see below:

Anodizers can be purchased for as low as $129 from Circuit Specialist (1-800-528-1417) and a link to their machine can be found by clicking here.

Supplies for anodizing (approximately $30) can be found by clicking here.

RioGrande (800-546-6566) has a complete kit for $370 which can be found by clicking here.

This 16 minute long instructive video will show you the different ways to anodize. The video can be found by clicking here.

Based on the poster below the voltage needed to create a gold color is between 48-70v.

More information can be found by clicking here.