We are happy to offer NET30 terms to select clients that qualify.
All payments must include shipping charges and include the order numbers that the check is covering.
All NET30 customers must pay via check, we will not run credit cards for NET30 invoices. If a check is received for the incorrect amount we will notify you and destroy the check. We do not return checks.
All NET30 customers will be billed the full amount of invoices prior to any refunds. Refunds will be credited AFTER the invoice is paid in full and a check will be mailed to you. We do not carry credit.
All NET30 term clients will be emailed an invoice at the time of the order. All invoices are due, in full, 30 days from the date of purchase. After 45 days from the date of purchase, the credit card on file for your account will be billed for any and all outstanding invoices. If the credit card payment fails and the invoice remains outstanding, it will incur a one-time 15% interest charge on the total amount owed.
Invoices not paid within 90 days from the date of purchase will be sent to collections and your NET30 terms may be discontinued until all outstanding invoices are reconciled.
Checks should be mailed to:
10765 Double R Blvd
STE 200
Reno, NV 89521