1. Dess USA Knowledgebase
  2. Accounts & Orders
  3. Questions About Your Order or Ordering

Order Quote

To better serve you, we provide our customers with Order Quotes as opposed to placing orders. This assures that you get the correct products. It also allows you to add to your order after we provide the quote! The quote will replace any items currently within your shopping cart.

Quote Email

When we do create an order quote for you, you will receive an email like the one below from orders@dess-usa.com that will state in the subject line DESS-USA Order Quote. To accept the quote simply select the Proceed to Checkout at the lower right corner. 


Also available as an attachment is a PDF copy of the quote if you wish to print or save it.

Checkout Page

You will be redirected to the www.DESS-USA.com Checkout page. Here you can complete the steps to finalize your order. If you wish to add to your order, simply select Edit Cart under Order Summary.