Straumann® Tissue Level compatible components have two different types.
On Implant
On Implant means that the scan body, ti base, etc. connects into the implant.
On Abutment
On Abutment means that the scan body, ti base, etc. connects onto the top of the converter/1.5 abutment.
What is a Converter/1.5 Abutment?
These should be thought of as straight multiunit abutments that connect into either an RN or WN implant platform. These components can be found under Straumann® Compatible Multiunit Abutments.
These components do NOT have the same connection on top as a traditional multiunit abutment such as the Nobel® multiunit. The screw for these components is much wider.
The Engaging converter abutment (SKU 34.001 and SKU 34.002) are two-piece components using the Straumann® Torx 06 Driver.
The Non Engaging converter abutment (SKU 35.001) is a one-piece component.
Whether using an RN or WN implant platform, the tops of all converter/1.5 abutments use the same components.
DESS® offers screws, ti bases, scan bodies, and analogs for converter/1.5 abutments.
The ti base for On Abutment will be either engaging (where the underside has a hex geometry) or non engaging (where the underside has a cone with no hex geometry).
Library File Names
For scanning at the implant level using a straight ti base or ANGLEBase®, C-BASE® (for Cerec), or premill blanks, use the following library file name:
- exocad® - DESS - STR S
- 3Shape® - DESS STR STLV
For scanning at the abutment level (On Abutment) using a ti base, use the following library file name:
- exocad® - DESS - STR SYN
- 3Shape® - DESS - STR SYN
For connecting directly to the top of the Converter/1.5 abutment implant with a non engaging connection, use the following library file name:
- DESS - STR SYN (Bars and Bridges)
For connecting direct to the Straumann Tissue Level® implant with a non engaging connection, use the following library file name:
- DESS - STR STLV (Rotatory Direct Implant)